Welcome Again to I Donate Music

Hi, my name is Derrick W. Jackson, and I am now living in Richmond Virginia since May 2018. I had started this blog back in 2018. Life got in the way but I am back to working on this project which I intend to make a non profit. The purpose is to give Portable FM /AM radios at a cost of about $15 and 2 batteries with it. Again this is not a non profit yet so the cost is on me. I would love to hear your input. Music has gotten me thru some hard times and through out the years, it has inspired me when I'm down, sad and depressed and when I just wanted to hear a woman say I love you and when I wanted to get pumped up for a workout. I don't know anyone who does not listen to music. I want to donate music via radios to people to help them with whatever they may be going thru. For questions, comments and advice email me at idonatemusic@gmail.com